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Ing. Leticia Olvera Rodriguez
Técnica Académica Titular C Tiempo Completo

Nivel C del PRIDE
1 - Arevalo Salina, Manuel Alejandro (2023). Estabilización del citocromo p450 de ((Bacillus megaterium)), mediante los cambios en las posiciones C774A y C1000A en su dominio reductasa. Licenciatura, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. *
Total de publicaciones: 29
  • Tipo
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Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
14 - Gama-Castro,S., Salgado,H., Peralta-Gil,M., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Solano-Lira,H., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Weiss,V., Garcia-Sotelo,J.S., Lopez-Fuentes,A., Porron-Sotelo,L., Alquicira-Hernandez,S., Medina-Rivera,A., Martinez-Flores,I., Alquicira-Hernandez,K., Martinez-Adame,R., Bonavides-Martinez,C., Miranda-Rios,J., Huerta,A.M., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Collado-Torres,L., Taboada,B., Vega-Alvarado,L., Olvera,M., Olvera,L., Grande,R., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J. (2011). RegulonDB version 7.0: transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli K-12 integrated within genetic sensory response units (Gensor Units). Nucleic Acids Research, 39 (Suppl 1), D98-D105.
15 - Massimelli,M.J., Sanchez,D.G., Buchieri,M.V., Olvera,L., Beassoni,P.R., Schweizer,H.P., Morett,E., Lisa,A.T. (2011). Choline catabolism, sigma(54) factor and NtrC are required for the full expression of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphorylcholine phosphatase gene. Microbiological Research, 166 (5), 380-390.
17 - Juarez,K., Kim,B.C., Nevin,K., Olvera,L., Reguera,G., Lovley,D.R., Methe,B.A. (2009). PilR, a Transcriptional Regulator for Pilin and Other Genes Required for Fe(III) Reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 16 (3-4), 146-158.
21 - Morett,E., Korbel,J.O., Rajan,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Olvera,L., Olvera,M., Schmidt,S., Snel,B., Bork,P. (2003). Systematic discovery of analogous enzymes in thiamin biosynthesis. Nature Biotechnology, 21 (7), 790-795.
Open Access Artículo; Actas
22 - Morett,E., Korbel,J.O., Rajan,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Olvera,L., Olvera,M., Schmidt,S., Snel,B., Bork,P. (2002). Discovery of Analogous Enzymes in Thiamin Biosynthesis by Anticorrelation. Genome Informatics, 13, 365-366.
23 - Juarez,K., Flores,H., Davila,S., Olvera,L., Gonzalez,V., Morett,E. (2000). Reciprocal domain evolution within a transactivator in a restricted sequence space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97 (7), 3314-3318.
25 - Calderon,J., Olvera,L., Martinez,L.M., Davila,G. (1997). A Neurospora crassa mutant altered in the regulation of L-amino acid oxidase. Microbiology, 143 (Pt 6), 1969-1974. *
Open Access Reimpresion
26 - Miranda-Molina,A., Xolalpa,W., Strompen,S., Arreola-Barroso,R., Olvera,L., Lopez-Munguia,A., Castillo,E., Saab-Rincon,G. (2020). Deep Eutectic Solvents as New Reaction Media to Produce Alkyl-Glycosides Using Alpha-Amylase from Thermotoga maritima [Reimpresión International Journal of Molecular Sciences special issue 2019] ]. Carbohydrate- Active Enzymes Structure, Activity and Reaction Products. A special issue of International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 169-184.
28 - Morett,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Merino,E., Bork,P., Rajan,E., Olvera,L., Olvera,M. (2003). High rate of gene displacement in vitamin biosynthesis pathways. Bioinformatics and genomes: current perspectives. 69-79, Norfolk,U.K..
29 - Morett,E., Juarez,K., Davila,S., Olvera,L., Caro,S., Flores,H. (1998). Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation Gene Expression by Modifying the DNA-Binding Function of Rhizobium meliloti NifA. Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century. Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Open Access Artículo
46 - Gama-Castro,S., Salgado,H., Peralta-Gil,M., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Solano-Lira,H., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Weiss,V., Garcia-Sotelo,J.S., Lopez-Fuentes,A., Porron-Sotelo,L., Alquicira-Hernandez,S., Medina-Rivera,A., Martinez-Flores,I., Alquicira-Hernandez,K., Martinez-Adame,R., Bonavides-Martinez,C., Miranda-Rios,J., Huerta,A.M., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Collado-Torres,L., Taboada,B., Vega-Alvarado,L., Olvera,M., Olvera,L., Grande,R., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J.. RegulonDB version 7.0: transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli K-12 integrated within genetic sensory response units (Gensor Units). Nucleic Acids Research, 39 (Suppl 1), D98-D105.
47 - Massimelli,M.J., Sanchez,D.G., Buchieri,M.V., Olvera,L., Beassoni,P.R., Schweizer,H.P., Morett,E., Lisa,A.T.. Choline catabolism, sigma(54) factor and NtrC are required for the full expression of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa phosphorylcholine phosphatase gene. Microbiological Research, 166 (5), 380-390.
Open Access Artículo
53 - Morett,E., Korbel,J.O., Rajan,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Olvera,L., Olvera,M., Schmidt,S., Snel,B., Bork,P.. Systematic discovery of analogous enzymes in thiamin biosynthesis. Nature Biotechnology, 21 (7), 790-795.
54 - Morett,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Merino,E., Bork,P., Rajan,E., Olvera,L., Olvera,M.. High rate of gene displacement in vitamin biosynthesis pathways. Bioinformatics and genomes: current perspectives. 69-79, Norfolk,U.K..
Open Access Artículo; Actas
55 - Morett,E., Korbel,J.O., Rajan,E., Saab-Rincon,G., Olvera,L., Olvera,M., Schmidt,S., Snel,B., Bork,P.. Discovery of Analogous Enzymes in Thiamin Biosynthesis by Anticorrelation. Genome Informatics, 13, 365-366.
56 - Juarez,K., Flores,H., Davila,S., Olvera,L., Gonzalez,V., Morett,E.. Reciprocal domain evolution within a transactivator in a restricted sequence space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97 (7), 3314-3318.
Open Access Artículo
58 - Morett,E., Juarez,K., Davila,S., Olvera,L., Caro,S., Flores,H.. Enhancing Nitrogen Fixation Gene Expression by Modifying the DNA-Binding Function of Rhizobium meliloti NifA. Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the 21st Century. Dordrecht, Holanda: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
59 - Calderon,J., Olvera,L., Martinez,L.M., Davila,G.. A Neurospora crassa mutant altered in the regulation of L-amino acid oxidase. Microbiology, 143 (Pt 6), 1969-1974. *