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Dr. Ricardo Alfredo Grande Cano
Técnico Académico Titular C Tiempo Completo

Nivel D del PRIDE
  • Maestría, en Biotecnología, IBt-UNAM (1995-1997)Ingreso directo al Doctorado sin titulacion

  • Licenciatura, Biología, Fac. de Ciencias-UNAM (1996)

  • Premio Weizmann Kahn a la mejor tesis de doctorado en el área de Ciencias Naturales, 2001

1 - Lopez Lozano, Nguyen Esmeralda (2005). Migracion de la actividad enzimatica de carboxilesterasa hacia 7-kap sintasa . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
Total de publicaciones: 28
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
2 - Singh,P., Vydyam,P., Fang,T., Estrada,K., Gonzalez,L.M., Grande,R., Kumar,M., Chakravarty,S., Berry,V., Ranwez,V., Carcy,B., Depoix,D., Sanchez,S., Cornillot,E., Abel,S., Ciampossin,L., Lenz,T., Harb,O., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E., Le Roch,K.G., Lonardi,S., Mamoun,C.B. (2024). Insights Into the Evolution, Virulence and Speciation of Babesia MO1 and Babesia divergens Through Multiomics Analyses. Emerging Microbes and Infection, 13 (1), 2386136.
3 - Fajardo-Rebollar,E., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Ek Ramos,M.J., Ruiz-Vargas,G., Villegas-Torres,O.G., Juarez,A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Diaz-Camino,C. (2021). Bacterial and fungal microbiome profiling in chilhuacle negro chili (Capsicum annuum L.) associated with fruit rot disease. Plant Disease, 105 (9).
Open Access artículo
4 - Orta,A.H., Bush,S.J., Gutierrez-Mariscal,M., Castro-Obregon,S., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Grande,R., Vazquez,G., Gorostieta-Salas,E, Martinez-Pacheco,M., Diaz-Barba,K., Cornejo-Paramo,P., Sanchez,A., Tzekely,T., Urrutia,A.O., Cortez,D. (2021). Rats exhibit age-related mosaic loss of chromosome Y. Communications Biology, 4, 1418.
6 - Taboada,B., Vazquez-Perez,J.A., Munoz-Medina,J.E., Ramos-Cervantes P., Escalera-Zamudio,M., Boukadida,C., Sanchez-Flores,A., Isa,P., Mendieta-Condado E., Martinez-Orozco,J.A., Becerril-Vargas,E., Salas-Hernandez,J., Grande,R., Gonzalez-Torres,C., Gaytan-Cervantes,F.J., Vazquez,G., Pulido,F., Araiza-Rodriguez A., Garces-Ayala F., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R., Grajales-Muniz C., Borja-Aburto,V, Barrera-Badillo G., Lopez,S., Hernandez-Rivas L., Perez-Padilla,R., Lopez-Martinez,I, Avila-Rios,S., Ruiz-Palacios,G., Ramirez-Gonzalez,J.E., Arias,C.F. (2020). Genomic Analysis of Early SARS-CoV-2 Variants Introduced in Mexico. Journal of Virology, 94 (18), e01056-20.
Open Access Artículo
7 - Gonzalez,L.M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Vega-Alvarado,L., Sevilla,E., Barrera,J., Cuesta,I., Zaballos,A., Bautista,J.M., Lobo,C.A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E. (2019). Comparative and functional genomics of the protozoan parasite Babesia divergens highlighting the invasion and egress processes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13 (8), e0007680.
Open Access Artículo
9 - Munoz-Medina,J.E., Garcia-Knight,M.A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Monroy-Munoz,I.E., Grande,R., Esbjornsson,J., Santacruz-Tinoco,C.E., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R. (2018). Evolutionary analysis of the Chikungunya virus epidemic in Mexico reveals intra-host mutational hotspots in the E1 protein. PLoS ONE, 13 (12), e0209292.
Open Access Artículo
11 - Gomez-Angulo,J., Vega-Alvarado,L., Escalante-Garcia,Z., Grande,R., Gschaedler-Mathis,A., Amaya-Delgado,L., Arrizon,J., Sanchez-Flores,A. (2015). Genome Sequence of Torulaspora delbrueckii NRRL Y-50541, Isolated from Mezcal Fermentation. Genome Announcements, 3 (4).
Open Access Artículo
12 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Gomez-Angulo,J., Escalante-Garcia,Z., Grande,R., Gschaedler-Mathis,A., Amaya-Delgado,L., Sanchez-Flores,A., Arrizon,J. (2015). High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Candida apicola NRRL Y-50540. Genome Announcements, 3 (3).
Open Access Artículo
13 - Cuesta,I., Gonzalez,L.M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Zaballos,A., Lobo,C.A., Barrera,J., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E. (2014). High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Babesia divergens, the Etiological Agent of Cattle and Human Babesiosis. Genome Announcements, 2 (6).
Open Access Artículo
14 - Gama-Castro,S., Salgado,H., Peralta-Gil,M., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Solano-Lira,H., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Weiss,V., Garcia-Sotelo,J.S., Lopez-Fuentes,A., Porron-Sotelo,L., Alquicira-Hernandez,S., Medina-Rivera,A., Martinez-Flores,I., Alquicira-Hernandez,K., Martinez-Adame,R., Bonavides-Martinez,C., Miranda-Rios,J., Huerta,A.M., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Collado-Torres,L., Taboada,B., Vega-Alvarado,L., Olvera,M., Olvera,L., Grande,R., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J. (2011). RegulonDB version 7.0: transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli K-12 integrated within genetic sensory response units (Gensor Units). Nucleic Acids Research, 39 (Suppl 1), D98-D105.
18 - Gaytan,P., Yanez,J., Grande,R., Morett,E., Soberon,X. (2005). Improving random mutagenesis by purification of the oligonucleotide variants. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 8 (6), 537-544.
19 - Chaney,M., Grande,R., Wigneshweraraj,S.R., Cannon,W., Casaz,P., Gallegos,M.T., Schumacher,J., Jones,S., Elderkin,S., Dago,A.E., Morett,E., Buck,M. (2001). Binding of transcriptional activators to sigma 54 in the presence of the transition state analog ADP-aluminum fluoride: insights into activator mechanochemical action. Genes and Development, 15 (17), 2282-2294.
22 - Grande-Cano,R.A., Gomez I. (2015). Identification and characterization of receptors for insecticidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis. Biocontrol of Lepidopteran Pests: Use of Soil Microbes and their Metabolites . Soil Biology, 71-88.
23 - Grande-Cano,R., Gomez,I. (2012). Protein expression and purification. Tools to Understand Protein-Protein Interactions. 41-54, Kerala: Research Signpost.
Memoria in extenso
24 - Gomez,I., Miranda-Rios,J., Arenas,I., Grande,R., Becerril,B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2007). Identification of scFv Molecules that Recognize Loop 3 of Domain II and Domain III of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact . 12-14, Montreal.
25 - Singh,P., Vydyam,P., Fang,T., Kumar,M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Sanchez-Flores,A., Gonzalez,L.M., Montero,E., Chakravarty,S., Lonardi,S., Berry,V,, Ranwez,V., Carcy,B., Depoix,D., Sanchez,S., Cornillot,E., Abel,S., Ciampossin,L., Lenz,T., Le Roch,K.G., Harb,O.S., Ben Mamoun,C. (2024). Multiomics analysis reveals B. MO1 as a distinct Babesia species and provides insights into its evolution and virulence. bioRxiv, Preprint posted January 18.
Open Access Preprint
26 - Taboada,B., Vazquez-Perez,J.A., Munoz-Medina,J.E., Ramos-Cervantes,P., Escalera-Zamudio,M., Boukadida,C., Sanchez-Flores,A., Isa,P., Mendieta-Condado,E., Martinez-Orozco,J.A., Becerril-Vargas,E., Salas-Hernandez,J., Grande,R., Gonzalez-Torres,C., Gaytan-Cervantes,F.J., Vazquez,G., Pulido,F., Araiza-Rodriguez,A., Garces-Ayala,F., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R., Grajales-Muniz,C., Borja-Aburto,V.H, Barrera-Badillo,G, Lopez,S., Hernandez-Rivas,L, Perez-Padilla,R, Lopez Martinez,I, Avila-Rios,S, Ruiz-Palacios,G, Ramirez-Gonzalez,J.E, Arias,C.F. (2020). Genomic analysis of early SARS-CoV-2 strains introduced in Mexico. bioRxiv, Preprint posted May 30, 120402.
Open Access Divulgación
27 - Grande-Cano, R. (2018). Secuenciación masiva de ADN. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 13, 13-21.
Open Access Artículo
30 - Singh,P., Vydyam,P., Fang,T., Estrada,K., Gonzalez,L.M., Grande,R., Kumar,M., Chakravarty,S., Berry,V., Ranwez,V., Carcy,B., Depoix,D., Sanchez,S., Cornillot,E., Abel,S., Ciampossin,L., Lenz,T., Harb,O., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E., Le Roch,K.G., Lonardi,S., Mamoun,C.B.. Insights Into the Evolution, Virulence and Speciation of Babesia MO1 and Babesia divergens Through Multiomics Analyses. Emerging Microbes and Infection, 13 (1), 2386136.
31 - Singh,P., Vydyam,P., Fang,T., Kumar,M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Sanchez-Flores,A., Gonzalez,L.M., Montero,E., Chakravarty,S., Lonardi,S., Berry,V,, Ranwez,V., Carcy,B., Depoix,D., Sanchez,S., Cornillot,E., Abel,S., Ciampossin,L., Lenz,T., Le Roch,K.G., Harb,O.S., Ben Mamoun,C.. Multiomics analysis reveals B. MO1 as a distinct Babesia species and provides insights into its evolution and virulence. bioRxiv, Preprint posted January 18.
32 - Fajardo-Rebollar,E., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Ek Ramos,M.J., Ruiz-Vargas,G., Villegas-Torres,O.G., Juarez,A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Diaz-Camino,C.. Bacterial and fungal microbiome profiling in chilhuacle negro chili (Capsicum annuum L.) associated with fruit rot disease. Plant Disease, 105 (9).
Open Access artículo
33 - Orta,A.H., Bush,S.J., Gutierrez-Mariscal,M., Castro-Obregon,S., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Grande,R., Vazquez,G., Gorostieta-Salas,E, Martinez-Pacheco,M., Diaz-Barba,K., Cornejo-Paramo,P., Sanchez,A., Tzekely,T., Urrutia,A.O., Cortez,D.. Rats exhibit age-related mosaic loss of chromosome Y. Communications Biology, 4, 1418.
Open Access Artículo
35 - Taboada,B., Vazquez-Perez,J.A., Munoz-Medina,J.E., Ramos-Cervantes P., Escalera-Zamudio,M., Boukadida,C., Sanchez-Flores,A., Isa,P., Mendieta-Condado E., Martinez-Orozco,J.A., Becerril-Vargas,E., Salas-Hernandez,J., Grande,R., Gonzalez-Torres,C., Gaytan-Cervantes,F.J., Vazquez,G., Pulido,F., Araiza-Rodriguez A., Garces-Ayala F., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R., Grajales-Muniz C., Borja-Aburto,V, Barrera-Badillo G., Lopez,S., Hernandez-Rivas L., Perez-Padilla,R., Lopez-Martinez,I, Avila-Rios,S., Ruiz-Palacios,G., Ramirez-Gonzalez,J.E., Arias,C.F.. Genomic Analysis of Early SARS-CoV-2 Variants Introduced in Mexico. Journal of Virology, 94 (18), e01056-20.
Open Access Preprint
36 - Taboada,B., Vazquez-Perez,J.A., Munoz-Medina,J.E., Ramos-Cervantes,P., Escalera-Zamudio,M., Boukadida,C., Sanchez-Flores,A., Isa,P., Mendieta-Condado,E., Martinez-Orozco,J.A., Becerril-Vargas,E., Salas-Hernandez,J., Grande,R., Gonzalez-Torres,C., Gaytan-Cervantes,F.J., Vazquez,G., Pulido,F., Araiza-Rodriguez,A., Garces-Ayala,F., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R., Grajales-Muniz,C., Borja-Aburto,V.H, Barrera-Badillo,G, Lopez,S., Hernandez-Rivas,L, Perez-Padilla,R, Lopez Martinez,I, Avila-Rios,S, Ruiz-Palacios,G, Ramirez-Gonzalez,J.E, Arias,C.F.. Genomic analysis of early SARS-CoV-2 strains introduced in Mexico. bioRxiv, Preprint posted May 30, 120402.
Open Access Artículo
37 - Gonzalez,L.M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Vega-Alvarado,L., Sevilla,E., Barrera,J., Cuesta,I., Zaballos,A., Bautista,J.M., Lobo,C.A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E.. Comparative and functional genomics of the protozoan parasite Babesia divergens highlighting the invasion and egress processes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13 (8), e0007680.
Open Access Artículo
39 - Munoz-Medina,J.E., Garcia-Knight,M.A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Monroy-Munoz,I.E., Grande,R., Esbjornsson,J., Santacruz-Tinoco,C.E., Gonzalez-Bonilla,C.R.. Evolutionary analysis of the Chikungunya virus epidemic in Mexico reveals intra-host mutational hotspots in the E1 protein. PLoS ONE, 13 (12), e0209292.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Divulgación
41 - Grande-Cano, R.. Secuenciación masiva de ADN. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 13, 13-21.
Open Access Artículo
42 - Gomez-Angulo,J., Vega-Alvarado,L., Escalante-Garcia,Z., Grande,R., Gschaedler-Mathis,A., Amaya-Delgado,L., Arrizon,J., Sanchez-Flores,A.. Genome Sequence of Torulaspora delbrueckii NRRL Y-50541, Isolated from Mezcal Fermentation. Genome Announcements, 3 (4).
Open Access Artículo
43 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Gomez-Angulo,J., Escalante-Garcia,Z., Grande,R., Gschaedler-Mathis,A., Amaya-Delgado,L., Sanchez-Flores,A., Arrizon,J.. High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Candida apicola NRRL Y-50540. Genome Announcements, 3 (3).
44 - Grande-Cano,R.A., Gomez I.. Identification and characterization of receptors for insecticidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis. Biocontrol of Lepidopteran Pests: Use of Soil Microbes and their Metabolites . Soil Biology, 71-88.
Open Access Artículo
45 - Cuesta,I., Gonzalez,L.M., Estrada,K., Grande,R., Zaballos,A., Lobo,C.A., Barrera,J., Sanchez-Flores,A., Montero,E.. High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Babesia divergens, the Etiological Agent of Cattle and Human Babesiosis. Genome Announcements, 2 (6).
46 - Grande-Cano,R., Gomez,I.. Protein expression and purification. Tools to Understand Protein-Protein Interactions. 41-54, Kerala: Research Signpost.
Open Access Artículo
47 - Gama-Castro,S., Salgado,H., Peralta-Gil,M., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Solano-Lira,H., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Weiss,V., Garcia-Sotelo,J.S., Lopez-Fuentes,A., Porron-Sotelo,L., Alquicira-Hernandez,S., Medina-Rivera,A., Martinez-Flores,I., Alquicira-Hernandez,K., Martinez-Adame,R., Bonavides-Martinez,C., Miranda-Rios,J., Huerta,A.M., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Collado-Torres,L., Taboada,B., Vega-Alvarado,L., Olvera,M., Olvera,L., Grande,R., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J.. RegulonDB version 7.0: transcriptional regulation of Escherichia coli K-12 integrated within genetic sensory response units (Gensor Units). Nucleic Acids Research, 39 (Suppl 1), D98-D105.
Memoria in extenso
50 - Gomez,I., Miranda-Rios,J., Arenas,I., Grande,R., Becerril,B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Identification of scFv Molecules that Recognize Loop 3 of Domain II and Domain III of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact . 12-14, Montreal.
52 - Gaytan,P., Yanez,J., Grande,R., Morett,E., Soberon,X.. Improving random mutagenesis by purification of the oligonucleotide variants. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 8 (6), 537-544.
53 - Chaney,M., Grande,R., Wigneshweraraj,S.R., Cannon,W., Casaz,P., Gallegos,M.T., Schumacher,J., Jones,S., Elderkin,S., Dago,A.E., Morett,E., Buck,M.. Binding of transcriptional activators to sigma 54 in the presence of the transition state analog ADP-aluminum fluoride: insights into activator mechanochemical action. Genes and Development, 15 (17), 2282-2294.

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