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Dr. Jean-Louis Joseph Marie Charli Casalonga
Investigador Titular C Tiempo Completo

Neurobiología molecular y celular
Número de registros: 30
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • La ectoenzima degradadora de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina y el control de la ingesta de alimentos en ratones de ambos sexos, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2022 - 2024
  • Impacto de las ectopeptidasas sobre el rango de acción de los neuropéptidos en el cerebro; la ectoenzima degradadora de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina como modelo, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1900
  • Estancia corta de una estudiante para realizar el proyecto: biochemical characterización of new low molecular weight compounds as neutral aminopeptidase, 2022
  • Las neuronas que sintetizan la hormona liberadora de tirotropina en el núcleo dorsomedial del hipotálamo y el control del balance de energía, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2018 - 2021
  • El control central del eje tiroideo por la enzima de inactivación de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina; un blanco terapéutico para la obesidad?, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2020
  • Investigación sobre el papel de los tanicitos en el control del eje tiroideo y el balance de energía, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2020
  • La hormona liberadora de tirotropina (trh) y el balance energético: identificación de nuevas neuronas trhergicas hipotalámicas activadas por ayuno y re-ingesta, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2015 - 2018
  • Comunicación peptidérgica en el sistema nervioso: de las moléculas a los sistemas, PRESUPUESTO UNAM, 2014 - 2020
  • Papel de la enzima inactivadora del trh en los tanicitos del hipotálamo medio basal en la respuesta del eje tiroideo al ayuno en la rata, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2012 - 2015
  • Análisis in vivo de la función de la enzima de inactivación de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina en el ratón: impacto en el balance energético, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2012 - 2014
  • Caracterización fisico-química de la pfa-mi, una metalo-aminopeptidasa de la familia mi esencial para plasmodium falciparum, DEPARTAMENTO DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/COORDINACIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-UNAM, 2011
  • Inhibidores de metalopeptidasas m1 aislados a partir de organismos marinos con potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas y biotecnológicas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2009 - 2011
  • Regulación de la actividad de la enzima de inactivación del trh en el hipocampo de la rata, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2009 - 2011
  • Análisis de la función de la piroglutamil peptidasa ii en el sistema nervioso central, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2007 - 2010
  • Efecto de un inhibidor de la piroglutamil peptidasa ii sobre el eje neuroendócrino, DEPARTAMENTO DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/COORDINACIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-UNAM, 2006
  • Papel de una isoforma truncada de la enzima de inactivación del trh en el sistema nervioso central., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2006 - 2008
  • Análisis fuincional de la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii en el hipocampo., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2004 - 2005
  • Caracterización de un inhibidor de la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii aislado de un organismo marino, DEPARTAMENTO DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/COORDINACIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-UNAM, 2004
  • Caracterización estructural y funcional de inhibidores de la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii aislados de organismos marinos., DEPARTAMENTO DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/COORDINACIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-UNAM, 2003
  • Caracterización estructural y funcional de inhibidores de la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii aislados de organismos marinos., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2003 - 2005
  • Estructura y función de la ectopeptidasa responsable de la inactivación del trh, la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2003 - 2006
  • Diferenciación terminal del fenotipo trhergico en el núcleo paraventricular del hipotálamo., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2003 - 2005
  • Función de la ectopeptidasa responsable de la inactivación del trh, la piroglutamil peptidas ii., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2000 - 2001
  • Estructura y función de la ectoenzima responsable de la inactivación del trh, la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa ii, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1999 - 2002
  • El bdnf y la diferenciación del fenotipo trhérgico en el núcleo paraventricular del hipotálamo, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1999 - 2002
  • Purificación y caracterización de inhibidores de la piroglutamil peptidas ii asilados de organismos marinos, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1999
  • Purificación y caracterización de inhibidores de la piroglutamil peptidasa ii aislados de organismos marinos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1999 - 2000
  • Regulación de la diferenciación del fenotipo tr hérgico en el hipotálamo por factores neurotróficosq, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1997 - 1999
  • Regulación de la piroglutamil peptidasa ii de la adenohipófisis por factores hipotalámicos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1997 - 1999
  • Regulación de la diferenciación del fenotipo trh-érgico en el hipotálamo por factores extracelulares, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1996 - 1999

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel III del SNII
  • Doctorado, de Estado en Ciencias Naturales, Universidad de Paris VI, Francia, 1987

  • Doctorado, en Ciencias Naturales (Biofísica), Universidad de Paris VI, Francia, 1978

  • Maestría, en Biofísica, Universidad de Paris VI, Francia, 1976

  • Licenciatura, en Fisiología y Biología Humana, Universidad de Paris VI, Francia, 1975

  • Premio de la Academia de la Investigación Científica en el área de Ciencias Naturales, 1990

  • Doctorado
  • Maestría
3 - Rosas Leon, Ana Melissa (2016). Analisis in vivo de la funcion de la enzima PPII en la inactivacion de TRH en raton. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
6 - Lazcano Sanchez, Ivan (2010). Papel de la piroglutamil peptidasa II en el septum, en un modelo de analepsia. Facultad de Ciencias, Maestria en Ciencias Biologicas, UNAM. *
11 - Chavez Gutierrez, Maria Lucia (2005). estudio de la relacion estructurafuncion en la piroglutamil peptidasa II . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
12 - Pascual Alonso, Isel (2005). Purificación y caracterización parcial del primer inhibidor natural de la piroglutamil aminopeptidasa II (enzima que degrada al TRH), aislado del anélido marino Hermodice carunculada, Pallas, 1776 (Polycheta). Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad de la Habana y UNAM. *
14 - Chavez Gutierrez, Maria Lucia (2002). Determinantes estructurales implicados en la actividad y especificidad de la piroglutamilpeptidasa II. Estudios Avanzados de Tercer Ciclo en el area de Fisiología, España, Universidad Pablo Olavide. *
15 - Perez Monter, Juan Carlos (2002). Identificación de efectores que regulan la actividad transcripcional del gen de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina (TRH). Facultad de Bioanálisis, Quimica Clinica, Universidad Veracruzana. *
17 - Pascual Alonso, Isel (2001). Ciencias Bioquimicas de las Proteinas. Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana. *
18 - Lezama Monfil, Leticia (2000). Cultivo de neuronas hipotalámicas de ratas fetales en distintos tipos de medios y sus efectos sobre el fenotipo TRHergico. Biología, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla . *
19 - Vargas Suarez, Miguel Angel (1998). Regulacion de la actividad de la piroglutamil peptidasa II en adenohipofisis : papel de la TRH . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
21 - Sanchez Perez, Jose Antonio (1995). Purificación de la Piroglutamato aminopeptidasa membranal de cerebro de rata. Químico Agrónomo, Universidad Autónoma "Benito Juárez" de Oaxaca. *
22 - Ortiz, Hipolita (1993). Regulación de la actividad enzimática de la dipeptidil aminopeptidasa IV en cultivo de células adenohipofisiarias. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Químico Bromatólogo, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. *
23 - Sanchez Jaramillo, Edith (1993). Regulación de la biosíntesis de la hormona liberadora de tirotropina en el SNC de la rata. Bióloga, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *
24 - Uribe Villegas, Rosa Maria (1991). Regulacion del metabolismo de TRH en diferentes condiciones fisiologicas de la rata. Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
25 - Mendez Ubach, Milagros (1990). Relevancia fisiologica de las enzimas que degradan al TRH en sinapsis. Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
26 - Vargas Suarez, Miguel Angel (1988). Relevancia fisiologica de una PGA membranal que degrada al TRH en el SNC de la rata. Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
27 - Uribe Villegas, Rosa Maria (1988). Regulacion de la expresion del gene de TRH en el hipotalamo de la rata. Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
28 - Cohen Cory, Susana (1987). Caracterizacion de los RNA mensajeros que codifican para TRH y LHRH en el hipotalamo de la rata. Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
29 - Vargas Suarez, Miguel Angel (1986). Distribucion regional de una piroglutamato aminopeptidasa membranal que degrada la hormona liberadora de tirotropina en el sistema nervioso central de rata. ENEP Iztacala, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
Total de publicaciones: 143
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
33 - Almeida-Garcia,F., Rivera-Mendez,L., Frometa-Fuentes,T., Acen-Ravelo,T., Alonso-Bosch,R., Perera,W.H., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Bergado,G., Sanchez-Ramirez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I. (2023). Bufotalin inhibits porcine kidney cortex aminopeptidase N and is cytotoxic to APN+ tumor cells. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 95 (7), 809-822.
34 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida-Garcia,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Alonso-Bosch,R., Perera,W.H., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Bergado,G., Sanchez-Ramirez,B.S., Charli,J.L. (2023). Bufadienolides preferentially inhibit aminopeptidase N among mammalian metallo-aminopeptidases; relationship with effects on human melanoma MeWo cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229, 825-837.
35 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Valiente,P.A., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola,Y., Garcia,F.A., Diaz,L., Garcia,G., Guirola,O., Pastor,D., Bergado,G., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L. (2022). Discovery of tight-binding competitive inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 196, 120-130.
36 - Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Wittmann,G., Menyhert,J., Singru,P., Gomez-Gonzalez,G.B., Sanchez-Islas,E., Yanez-Recendis,N., Pimentel-Cabrera,J.A., Leon-Olea,M., Gereben,B., Fekete,C., Charli,J.L., Lechan,R.M. (2022). Origin of thyrotropin-releasing hormone neurons that innervate the tuberomammillary nuclei. Brain structure & function, 227, 2329-2347.
38 - Arrebola,Y., Rivera,L., Pedroso,A., McGuire,R., Tresanco,M.E.V., Bergado,G., Charli,J.L., Sanchez,B., Pascual-Alonso,I (2021). Bacitracin is a non-competitive inhibitor of porcine M1 family neutral and glutamyl aminopeptidases. Natural Product Research, 35 (17), 2958-2962.
41 - Lazcano,I., Rodriguez-Rodriguez,A., Uribe,R.M., Orozco,A., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L. (2021). Evolution of thyrotropin-releasing factor extracellular communication units. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 305, 113642.
43 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Garcia,G., Diaz,L., Arrebola,Y., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida-Garcia,F., Chappe-Pacheco,M., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L. (2021). Effect of non-competitive inhibitors of aminopeptidase N on viability of human and murine tumor cells. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 93 (10), 1161-1170.
Open Access Artículo
44 - Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida,F., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I. (2021). Bestatin is a non-competitive inhibitor of porcine M1 family glutamyl aminopeptidase: Insights for selective inhibitor design. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 12 (2), 173-180.
46 - Farkas,E., Varga,E., Kovacs,B., Szilvasy-Szabo,A., Cote-Velez,A., Peterfi,Z., Matziari,M., Toth,M., Zelena,D., Mezriczky,Z., Kadar,A., Kovari,D., Watanabe,M., Kano,M., Mackie,K., Rozsa,B., Ruska,Y., Toth,B., Mate,Z., Erdelyi,F., Szabo,G., Gereben,B., Lechan,R.M., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Fekete,C. (2020). A glial-neuronal circuit in the median eminence regulates thyrotropin-releasing hormone-release via the endocannabinoid system. iScience, 23 (3), 100921.
Open Access Artículo
47 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Lazcano,I., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Gutierrez-Mariscal,M., Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Uribe,R.M., Charli,J.L. (2020). Sexually dimorphic dynamics of thyroid axis activity during fasting in rats. Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 25 (7), 1305-1323.
48 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Bounaadja,L., Schmitt.M., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Alvarez-Lajonchere,L., Charli,J.L., Florent,I. (2020). Biochemical evidences for M1-, M17- and M18-like aminopeptidases in marine invertebrates from Cuban coastline. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C, 75 (11-12).
Open Access Revisión
49 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Hernandez-Zanuy,A., Alvarez-Lajonchere,L., Diaz,D., Sanchez,B., Florent,I., Schmitt,M., Cisneros,M., Charli,J.L. (2020). Marine organisms: a source of biomedically relevant M1, M2 and M17 exopeptidase inhibitors. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Biológicas, 8 (2), 1-36.
Open Access Revisión
50 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Almeida,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Rivera-Mendez,L., Hernandez-Zanuy,A., Chappe-Pacheco,M., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L. (2020). Marine and costal organisms: a source of biomedically relevant dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Biológicas, 8 (2), 1-16.
51 - Rivera-Mendez,L., Arrebola,Y., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Diaz-Guevara,L., Bergado,G., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I. (2020). Bestatin and bacitracin inhibit porcine kidney cortex dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity and reduce human melanoma MeWo cell viability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 164, 2944-2952.
Open Access Revisión
54 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Alonso-Bosch,R., Cabrera-Munoz,A., Perera,W., Charli,J.L. (2019). Methanolic extracts of paratoid gland secretion from Cuban Peltophryne toads contain inhibitory activities against peptidases with biomedical relevance. Biotecnologia Aplicada, 36 (2), 2221-2227.
58 - Pascual, I., Valiente, P.A., Garcia, G., Valdes-Tresanco, M.E., Arrebola, Y., Diaz, L., Bounaadja, L., Uribe, R.M., Pacheco, M.C., Florent, I., Charli, J.L. (2017). Discovery of novel non-competitive inhibitors of mammalian neutral M1 aminopeptidase (APN). Biochimie, 142, 216-225.
61 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Charli,J.L. (2016). Advances in TRH signaling. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, 17 (4), 545-558.
62 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Charli,J. (2015). Regulation of TRH neurons and energy homeostasis related signals under stress. Journal of Endocrinology, 224 (3), R139-R159 [erratum en vol 227 (3) X1].
63 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Uribe,R.M., Charli,J.L. (2015). TRH, first hypophysiotropic releasing hormone isolated: its control of pituitary-thyroid axis. Journal of Endocrinology, 226 (2), T85-T100 [erratum en vol 227 (3) X3].
66 - Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Fando,R., Monte-Martinez,A.D., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D. (2014). Plasmodium falciparum M1-Aminopeptidase: a Promising Target for the Development of Antimalarials. Current Drug Targets, 15 (12), 1144-1165.
67 - Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Osuna,J., Ponce,A., Fando,R., Figarella,K., Mendez,Y., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D. (2014). High-level expression in Escherichia coli, purification and kinetic characterization of Plasmodium falciparum M1-aminopeptidase. Protein Expression and Purification, 104, 103-114.
68 - Mendez,Y., Perez-Labrada,K., Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Valdes,G., Chavez,M.D.A., Osuna,J., Charli,J.L., Pascual,I., Rivera,D.G. (2014). Combinatorial Multicomponent Access to Natural-Products-Inspired Peptidomimetics: Discovery of Selective Inhibitors of Microbial Metallo-aminopeptidases. ChemMedChem, 9 (10), 2351-2359.
69 - Rodriguez-Molina,V., Patino,J., Vargas,Y., Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L. (2014). TRH regulates action potential shape in cerebral cortex pyramidal neurons. Brain Research, 1571, 1-11.
72 - Gomez,H., Chappe,M., Valiente,P.A., Pons,T., Chavez,M.D.A., Charli,J.L., Pascual,I. (2013). Effect of zinc and calcium ions on the rat kidney membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Journal of Biosciences, 38 (3), 461-469.
78 - Pascual,I., Gomez,H., Pons,T., Chappe,M., Vargas,M.A., Valdes,G., Lopez,A., Saroyan,A., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D. (2011). Effect of divalent cations on the porcine kidney cortex membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 43 (3), 363-371.
79 - Perez-Monter,C., Martinez-Armenta,M., Miquelajauregui,A., Furlan-Magaril,M., Varela-Echavarria,A., Recillas-Targa,F., May,V., Charli,J.L., Perez-Martinez,L. (2011). The Kruppel-like factor 4 controls biosynthesis of thyrotropin-releasing hormone during hypothalamus development. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 333 (2), 127-133.
84 - Rodriguez-Molina,V., Vargas,M.A., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L. (2009). NMDA receptor up-regulates pyroglutamyl peptidase II activity in the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters, 449 (3), 211-214.
89 - de Gortari,P., Vargas,M.A., Martinez,A., Garcia-Vazquez,A.I., Uribe,R.M., Chavez-Gutierrez,L., Magdaleno,V., Boileau,G., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P. (2007). Stage-specific Modulation of Neprilysin and Aminopeptidase N in the Limbic System During Kindling Progression. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 33 (3), 252-261.
Artículo; Actas Paper
90 - Pascual,I., Lopez,A., Gomez,H., Chappe,M., Saroyan,A., Gonzalez,Y., Cisneros,M., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D.A. (2007). Screening of inhibitors of porcine dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in aqueous extracts from marine organisms. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40 (3), 414-419.
93 - de Gortari,P., Uribe,R.M., Garcia-Vazquez,A., Aguilar-Valles,A., Martinez,A., Valdes,A., Charli,J.L., Fernandez-Guardiola,A., Joseph-Bravo,P. (2006). Amygdala kindling differentially regulates the expression of the elements involved in TRH transmission. Neurochemistry International, 48 (1), 31-42.
98 - Pascual,I., Gil-Parrado,S., Cisneros,M., Joseph-Bravo,P., Diaz,J., Possani,L.D., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M. (2004). Purification of a specific inhibitor of pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase II from the marine annelide Hermodice carunculata. In vivo effects in rodent brain. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 36 (1), 138-152.
100 - Vargas,M.A., St Louis,M., Desgroseillers,L., Charli,J.L., Boileau,G. (2003). Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein(1-34) Regulates Phex Expression in Osteoblasts Through the Protein Kinase A Pathway. Endocrinology, 144 (11), 4876-4885.
113 - Niquet,J., Loudes,C., Ubieta,R., Kordon,C., Faivre-Bauman,A., Charli,J. (1999). Membranes from pituitary intermediate lobe cells enhance differentiation of fetal hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons in primary culture. Developmental Brain Research, 118 (1-2), 39-49.
Artículo; Actas Paper
115 - Charli,J.L., Vargas,M.A., Cisneros,M., de Gortari,P., Baeza,M.A., Jasso,P., Bourdais,J., Perez,L., Uribe,R.M., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1998). TRH inactivation in the extracellular compartment: role of pyroglutamyl peptidase II. Neurobiology (Bp.), 6 (1), 45-57.
116 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Uribe,R.M., Vargas,M.A., Perez-Martinez,L., Zoeller,T., Charli,J.L. (1998). Multifactorial modulation of TRH metabolism. Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology, 18 (2), 231-247.
120 - Charli,J.L., Cruz,C., Redondo,J.L., Guerra,C., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1995). Homologous conditioned medium enhances expression of TRH in hypothalamic neurons in primary culture. Developmental Brain Research, 89 (1), 155-160.
127 - Charli,J.L., Faivre-Bauman,A., Loudes,C., Kordon,C. (1993). Coculture of rat melanotrophs with hypothalamic cells enhances differentiation of dopaminergic neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 4 (1), 55-63. *
128 - Faivre-Bauman,A., Charli,J.L., Loudes,C., Kordon,C. (1993). Coculture of rat melanotrophs with fetal hypothalamic cells enhances differentiation of dopaminergic neurons. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 680, 505-507.
Open Access Note
135 - Fuchs,L.Y., Ovando,C., Joseph,P., Soberon,X., Charli,J.L. (1990). Repetitive DNA sequence from the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Nucleic Acids Research, 18 (6), 1650.
137 - Mengod,G., Charli,J.L., Palacios,J.M. (1990). The use of in situ hybridization histochemistry for the study of neuropeptide gene expression in the human brain. Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology, 10 (1), 113-126.
138 - Charli,J.L., Cruz,C., Ponce,G., Vargas,M.A., Mendez,M., Cisneros,M., Pasten,J., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1989). Physiological relevance of pyroglutamate aminopeptidase II. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 553, 563-564.
142 - Covarrubias,L., Uribe,R.M., Mendez,M., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1988). Neuronal TRH synthesis: developmental and circadian TRH mRNA levels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 151 (1), 615-622.
143 - Ponce,G., Charli,J.L., Pasten,J.A., Aceves,C., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1988). Tissue-specific regulation of pyroglutamate aminopeptidase II activity by thyroid hormones. Neuroendocrinology, 48 (2), 211-213.
148 - Cohen,S., Charli,J.L., Diaz de Leon,L., Millar,R.P., Arimura,A., Morrison,M.R., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1986). Attempts to immunoprecipitate the LHRH precursor synthesized in cell free systems. Brain Research Bulletin, 16 (3), 309-314.
151 - Charli,J.L., Ponce,G., McKelvy,J.F., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1984). Accumulation of thyrotropin releasing hormone by rat hypothalamic slices. Journal of Neurochemistry, 42 (4), 981-986.
152 - Blumberg,S., Teichberg,V.I., Charli,J.L., Hersh,L.B., McKelvy,J.F. (1980). Cleavage of substance P to an N-terminal tetrapeptide and a C-terminal heptapeptide by a post-proline Cleaving enzyme from bovine brain. Brain Research, 192 (2), 477-486. *
153 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Sherman,T., Boyer,H., Bolivar,F., McKelvy,J.F. (1980). Identification of a putative hypothalamic mRNA coding for somatostatin and of its product in cell-free translation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 94 (3), 1004-1012. *
156 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Palacios,J.M., Kordon,C. (1978). Histamine-induced release of thyrotropin releasing hormone from hypothalamic slices. European Journal of Pharmacology, 52 (3-4), 401-403. *
157 - Charli,J.L., Rotsztejn,W.H., Pattou,E., Kordon,C. (1978). Effect of neurotransmitters on in vitro release of luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone from the mediobasal hypothalamus of male rats. Neuroscience Letters, 10 (1-2), 159-163. *
158 - Rotsztejn,W.H., Charli,J.L., Pattou,E., Kordon,C. (1977). Stimulation by dopamine of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release from the mediobasal hypothalamus in male rats. Endocrinology, 101 (5), 1475-1483. *
159 - Rotsztejn,W.H., Charli,J.L., Pattou,E., Epelbaum,J., Kordon,C. (1976). In vitro release of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) from rat mediobasal hypothalamus: effects of potassium, calcium and dopamine. Endocrinology, 99 (6), 1663-1666. *
161 - Joseph-Bravo, P., Gutierrez-Mariscal, M., Jaimes-Hoy, L., Charli, J. L. (2019). Thyroid Axis and Energy Balance: Focus on Animals and Implications for Humankind. Handbook of Famine, Starvation, and Nutrient Deprivation: From Biology to Policy. 1099-1126, Cham, Suiza: Springer.
162 - Sanchez,E., Charli,J.L., Lechan,R.M. (2013). Pyroglutamyl-peptidase II. Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes. 414-419, 3rd.
163 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P. (2008). El cerebro, la comunicación intercelular y los p?ptidos. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 5. 53-64, Mexico, D.F..
Memoria in extenso
164 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Mariscal,M., Garcia,I., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Charli,J.L., de Gortari,P. (2007). Response of limbic TRH neurons depends on the stress paradigm. Endocrine Regulations. Int. Congress of Stress. 96-.
165 - Charli,J.L., Pascual,I., Cruz,R., Vargas,M.A. (2006). Post-Secretory Inactivation of Peptides in the Hypotalamic-Adenohypophyseal Axis. Focus on Pyroglutamyl Peptidase Ii, the Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Inactivating Enzyme. Molecular Endocrinology. 39-64, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
166 - Perez-Martinez,L., Charli,J.L. (2006). Factors Involved in the Establishment of Hypothalamic Neuroendocrine Phenotypes. Molecular Endocrinology. 127-147, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
Memoria in extenso
167 - Charli,J.L., Garat,B., Martinez-Escalera,G., Ponce,G., Miranda,J., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1984). METABOLISM OF THYROTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE AND ITS POSSIBLE RELEVANCE TO PROLACTIN SECRETION. Prolactin Secretion: a Multidisciplinary Approach. 239-248, Orlando: Academic Press.
168 - McKelvy,J.F., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Sherman,T., Loudes,C. (1980). Cellular biochemistry of brain peptides. The endocrine function of the brain. 171-193. *
169 - McKelvy,J.F., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Lin,C., Loudes,C., Sherman,T., Paulo,M., Pacheco,M. (1980). Biosynthesis and degradation of peptides in the nervous system. The role of peptides in neuronal function. 69-84. *
Open Access Nacional
171 - Guerra-Crespo,M., Charli,J.L., Perez-Martinez,L. (2005). Los arreglos de DNA: explorando la expresion genetica del cerebro. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 56, 67-76.
172 - Charli,J.L., Ponce,G., Torres,H., Garat,B., Barquin,N., Bravo,P.J. (1983). [Cellular biochemistry of hypophysiotropic peptides. II. Liberation, action and inactivation]. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 243-252.
173 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Theleen,M., de Gortari,P., Shapiro,E., Redondo,J.L., Briones,M., Merchant,H., Charli,J.L. (1983). [Biochemistry of hypophysiotropic peptides. I. Biosynthesis and its regulation]. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 233-241.
174 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Robert,M. (1980). Use of synthetic oligonucleotides for identification of messenger RNA for somatostatin. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 31 (3-4), 220-221. *
177 - Almeida-Garcia,F., Rivera-Mendez,L., Frometa-Fuentes,T., Acen-Ravelo,T., Alonso-Bosch,R., Perera,W.H., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Bergado,G., Sanchez-Ramirez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I.. Bufotalin inhibits porcine kidney cortex aminopeptidase N and is cytotoxic to APN+ tumor cells. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 95 (7), 809-822.
178 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida-Garcia,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Alonso-Bosch,R., Perera,W.H., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Bergado,G., Sanchez-Ramirez,B.S., Charli,J.L.. Bufadienolides preferentially inhibit aminopeptidase N among mammalian metallo-aminopeptidases; relationship with effects on human melanoma MeWo cells. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 229, 825-837.
179 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Valiente,P.A., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola,Y., Garcia,F.A., Diaz,L., Garcia,G., Guirola,O., Pastor,D., Bergado,G., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L.. Discovery of tight-binding competitive inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 196, 120-130.
180 - Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Wittmann,G., Menyhert,J., Singru,P., Gomez-Gonzalez,G.B., Sanchez-Islas,E., Yanez-Recendis,N., Pimentel-Cabrera,J.A., Leon-Olea,M., Gereben,B., Fekete,C., Charli,J.L., Lechan,R.M.. Origin of thyrotropin-releasing hormone neurons that innervate the tuberomammillary nuclei. Brain structure & function, 227, 2329-2347.
182 - Arrebola,Y., Rivera,L., Pedroso,A., McGuire,R., Tresanco,M.E.V., Bergado,G., Charli,J.L., Sanchez,B., Pascual-Alonso,I. Bacitracin is a non-competitive inhibitor of porcine M1 family neutral and glutamyl aminopeptidases. Natural Product Research, 35 (17), 2958-2962.
185 - Lazcano,I., Rodriguez-Rodriguez,A., Uribe,R.M., Orozco,A., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L.. Evolution of thyrotropin-releasing factor extracellular communication units. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 305, 113642.
Open Access Revisión
187 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Garcia,G., Diaz,L., Arrebola,Y., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida-Garcia,F., Chappe-Pacheco,M., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L.. Effect of non-competitive inhibitors of aminopeptidase N on viability of human and murine tumor cells. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 93 (10), 1161-1170.
Open Access Artículo
188 - Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida,F., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I.. Bestatin is a non-competitive inhibitor of porcine M1 family glutamyl aminopeptidase: Insights for selective inhibitor design. Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources, 12 (2), 173-180.
Capítulo internacional
Open Access Revisión
191 - Farkas,E., Varga,E., Kovacs,B., Szilvasy-Szabo,A., Cote-Velez,A., Peterfi,Z., Matziari,M., Toth,M., Zelena,D., Mezriczky,Z., Kadar,A., Kovari,D., Watanabe,M., Kano,M., Mackie,K., Rozsa,B., Ruska,Y., Toth,B., Mate,Z., Erdelyi,F., Szabo,G., Gereben,B., Lechan,R.M., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Fekete,C.. A glial-neuronal circuit in the median eminence regulates thyrotropin-releasing hormone-release via the endocannabinoid system. iScience, 23 (3), 100921.
Open Access Artículo
192 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Lazcano,I., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Gutierrez-Mariscal,M., Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Uribe,R.M., Charli,J.L.. Sexually dimorphic dynamics of thyroid axis activity during fasting in rats. Frontiers in Bioscience, Landmark, 25 (7), 1305-1323.
193 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Bounaadja,L., Schmitt.M., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Alvarez-Lajonchere,L., Charli,J.L., Florent,I.. Biochemical evidences for M1-, M17- and M18-like aminopeptidases in marine invertebrates from Cuban coastline. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C, 75 (11-12).
Open Access Revisión
194 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Rivera-Mendez,L., Almeida,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Hernandez-Zanuy,A., Alvarez-Lajonchere,L., Diaz,D., Sanchez,B., Florent,I., Schmitt,M., Cisneros,M., Charli,J.L.. Marine organisms: a source of biomedically relevant M1, M2 and M17 exopeptidase inhibitors. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Biológicas, 8 (2), 1-36.
Open Access Revisión
195 - Pascual-Alonso,I., Arrebola-Sanchez,Y., Almeida,F., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Rivera-Mendez,L., Hernandez-Zanuy,A., Chappe-Pacheco,M., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L.. Marine and costal organisms: a source of biomedically relevant dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Biológicas, 8 (2), 1-16.
196 - Rivera-Mendez,L., Arrebola,Y., Valdes-Tresanco,M.E., Diaz-Guevara,L., Bergado,G., Sanchez,B., Charli,J.L., Pascual-Alonso,I.. Bestatin and bacitracin inhibit porcine kidney cortex dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity and reduce human melanoma MeWo cell viability. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 164, 2944-2952.
212 - Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Fando,R., Monte-Martinez,A.D., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D.. Plasmodium falciparum M1-Aminopeptidase: a Promising Target for the Development of Antimalarials. Current Drug Targets, 15 (12), 1144-1165.
213 - Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Osuna,J., Ponce,A., Fando,R., Figarella,K., Mendez,Y., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D.. High-level expression in Escherichia coli, purification and kinetic characterization of Plasmodium falciparum M1-aminopeptidase. Protein Expression and Purification, 104, 103-114.
214 - Mendez,Y., Perez-Labrada,K., Gonzalez-Bacerio,J., Valdes,G., Chavez,M.D.A., Osuna,J., Charli,J.L., Pascual,I., Rivera,D.G.. Combinatorial Multicomponent Access to Natural-Products-Inspired Peptidomimetics: Discovery of Selective Inhibitors of Microbial Metallo-aminopeptidases. ChemMedChem, 9 (10), 2351-2359.
215 - Rodriguez-Molina,V., Patino,J., Vargas,Y., Sanchez-Jaramillo,E., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L.. TRH regulates action potential shape in cerebral cortex pyramidal neurons. Brain Research, 1571, 1-11.
218 - Gomez,H., Chappe,M., Valiente,P.A., Pons,T., Chavez,M.D.A., Charli,J.L., Pascual,I.. Effect of zinc and calcium ions on the rat kidney membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Journal of Biosciences, 38 (3), 461-469.
219 - Sanchez,E., Charli,J.L., Lechan,R.M.. Pyroglutamyl-peptidase II. Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes. 414-419, 3rd.
Open Access Artículo
225 - Pascual,I., Gomez,H., Pons,T., Chappe,M., Vargas,M.A., Valdes,G., Lopez,A., Saroyan,A., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D.. Effect of divalent cations on the porcine kidney cortex membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 43 (3), 363-371.
226 - Perez-Monter,C., Martinez-Armenta,M., Miquelajauregui,A., Furlan-Magaril,M., Varela-Echavarria,A., Recillas-Targa,F., May,V., Charli,J.L., Perez-Martinez,L.. The Kruppel-like factor 4 controls biosynthesis of thyrotropin-releasing hormone during hypothalamus development. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 333 (2), 127-133.
236 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P.. El cerebro, la comunicación intercelular y los p?ptidos. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 5. 53-64, Mexico, D.F..
Artículo; Actas Paper
238 - Pascual,I., Lopez,A., Gomez,H., Chappe,M., Saroyan,A., Gonzalez,Y., Cisneros,M., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.D.A.. Screening of inhibitors of porcine dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in aqueous extracts from marine organisms. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40 (3), 414-419.
Memoria in extenso
240 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Mariscal,M., Garcia,I., Jaimes-Hoy,L., Charli,J.L., de Gortari,P.. Response of limbic TRH neurons depends on the stress paradigm. Endocrine Regulations. Int. Congress of Stress. 96-.
Open Access Artículo
242 - de Gortari,P., Uribe,R.M., Garcia-Vazquez,A., Aguilar-Valles,A., Martinez,A., Valdes,A., Charli,J.L., Fernandez-Guardiola,A., Joseph-Bravo,P.. Amygdala kindling differentially regulates the expression of the elements involved in TRH transmission. Neurochemistry International, 48 (1), 31-42.
243 - Charli,J.L., Pascual,I., Cruz,R., Vargas,M.A.. Post-Secretory Inactivation of Peptides in the Hypotalamic-Adenohypophyseal Axis. Focus on Pyroglutamyl Peptidase Ii, the Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone Inactivating Enzyme. Molecular Endocrinology. 39-64, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
244 - Perez-Martinez,L., Charli,J.L.. Factors Involved in the Establishment of Hypothalamic Neuroendocrine Phenotypes. Molecular Endocrinology. 127-147, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
Artículo; Actas Paper
267 - Charli,J.L., Vargas,M.A., Cisneros,M., de Gortari,P., Baeza,M.A., Jasso,P., Bourdais,J., Perez,L., Uribe,R.M., Joseph-Bravo,P.. TRH inactivation in the extracellular compartment: role of pyroglutamyl peptidase II. Neurobiology (Bp.), 6 (1), 45-57.
268 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Uribe,R.M., Vargas,M.A., Perez-Martinez,L., Zoeller,T., Charli,J.L.. Multifactorial modulation of TRH metabolism. Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology, 18 (2), 231-247.
279 - Charli,J.L., Faivre-Bauman,A., Loudes,C., Kordon,C.. Coculture of rat melanotrophs with hypothalamic cells enhances differentiation of dopaminergic neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 4 (1), 55-63. *
280 - Faivre-Bauman,A., Charli,J.L., Loudes,C., Kordon,C.. Coculture of rat melanotrophs with fetal hypothalamic cells enhances differentiation of dopaminergic neurons. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 680, 505-507.
300 - Cohen,S., Charli,J.L., Diaz de Leon,L., Millar,R.P., Arimura,A., Morrison,M.R., Joseph-Bravo,P.. Attempts to immunoprecipitate the LHRH precursor synthesized in cell free systems. Brain Research Bulletin, 16 (3), 309-314.
303 - Charli,J.L., Ponce,G., McKelvy,J.F., Joseph-Bravo,P.. Accumulation of thyrotropin releasing hormone by rat hypothalamic slices. Journal of Neurochemistry, 42 (4), 981-986.
Memoria in extenso
304 - Charli,J.L., Garat,B., Martinez-Escalera,G., Ponce,G., Miranda,J., Joseph-Bravo,P.. METABOLISM OF THYROTROPIN RELEASING HORMONE AND ITS POSSIBLE RELEVANCE TO PROLACTIN SECRETION. Prolactin Secretion: a Multidisciplinary Approach. 239-248, Orlando: Academic Press.
305 - Charli,J.L., Ponce,G., Torres,H., Garat,B., Barquin,N., Bravo,P.J.. [Cellular biochemistry of hypophysiotropic peptides. II. Liberation, action and inactivation]. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 243-252.
306 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Theleen,M., de Gortari,P., Shapiro,E., Redondo,J.L., Briones,M., Merchant,H., Charli,J.L.. [Biochemistry of hypophysiotropic peptides. I. Biosynthesis and its regulation]. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 233-241.
307 - Blumberg,S., Teichberg,V.I., Charli,J.L., Hersh,L.B., McKelvy,J.F.. Cleavage of substance P to an N-terminal tetrapeptide and a C-terminal heptapeptide by a post-proline Cleaving enzyme from bovine brain. Brain Research, 192 (2), 477-486. *
308 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Sherman,T., Boyer,H., Bolivar,F., McKelvy,J.F.. Identification of a putative hypothalamic mRNA coding for somatostatin and of its product in cell-free translation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 94 (3), 1004-1012. *
309 - McKelvy,J.F., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Sherman,T., Loudes,C.. Cellular biochemistry of brain peptides. The endocrine function of the brain. 171-193. *
310 - McKelvy,J.F., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Lin,C., Loudes,C., Sherman,T., Paulo,M., Pacheco,M.. Biosynthesis and degradation of peptides in the nervous system. The role of peptides in neuronal function. 69-84. *
311 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Robert,M.. Use of synthetic oligonucleotides for identification of messenger RNA for somatostatin. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 31 (3-4), 220-221. *
314 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Palacios,J.M., Kordon,C.. Histamine-induced release of thyrotropin releasing hormone from hypothalamic slices. European Journal of Pharmacology, 52 (3-4), 401-403. *

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