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Dra. Rosario Vera Estrella
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Total de publicaciones: 55
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1 - Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Amezcua-Romero,J.C., Rosas-Santiago,P., Hernandez-Dominguez,E.E., de Luna-Valdez,L.A, Ruiz-Salas,J.L., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O. (2023). Ice plant root plasma membrane aquaporins are regulated by clathrin-coated vesicles in response to salt stress. Plant Physiology, 191 (1), 199-218.
3 - Carmona-Salazar,L., Cahoon,R.E., Gasca-Pineda,J., Gonzalez-Solis,A., Vera-Estrella,R., Trevino,V., Cahoon,E.B., Gavilanes-Ruiz,M. (2021). Plasma and Vacuolar Membrane Sphingolipidomes: Composition and Insights on The Role of Main Molecular Species. Plant Physiology, 186 (1), 624-639.
5 - Sanchez-Thomas,R., Garcia-Garcia,J.D., Marin-Hernandez,A., Marin-Hernandez,A., Pardo,J.P., Rodriguez-Enriquez,S., Vera-Estrella,R., Lopez-Macay,A., Moreno-Sanchez,R. (2020). The intracellular water volume modulates the accumulation of cadmium in Euglena gracilis. Algal Research, 46, 101774.
Open Access Artículo
8 - Ramirez-Carreto,S., Vera-Estrella,R., Portillo-Bobadilla,T., Licea-Navarro,A., Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Rudino-Pinera,E., Verleyen,J.J., Rodriguez,E., Rodriguez-Almazan,C. (2019). Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of the Tentacles and Mucus of Anthopleura dowii Verrill, 1869. Marine Drugs, 17 (8), E436.
11 - Rosas-Santiago, P., Lagunas-Gomez, D., Yanez-Dominguez, C., Vera-Estrella, R., Zimmermannova, O., Sychrova, H., Pantoja, O. (2017). Plant and yeast cornichon possess a conserved acidic motif required for correct targeting of plasma membrane cargos. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1864 (10), 1809-1818.
Open Access Artículo
14 - Carrasco-Navarro,U., Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Zuniga-Leon,E., Reyes-Vivas,H., Fernandez,F.J., Fierro,F. (2016). Proteomic analysis of the signaling pathway mediated by the heterotrimeric Galpha protein Pga1 of Penicillium chrysogenum. Microbial Cell Factories, 15 (1), 173.
15 - Rosas-Santiago,P., Zimmermannova,O., Vera-Estrella,R., Sychrova,H., Pantoja,O. (2016). Erv14 cargo receptor participates in yeast salt tolerance via its interaction with the plasma-membrane Nha1 cation/proton antiporter. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1858 (1), 67-74.
18 - Oh,D.H., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O., Lee,S.Y., Bohnert,H.J., Dassanayake,M. (2015). Cell type-specific responses to salinity - the epidermal bladder cell transcriptome of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. New Phytologist, 207 (3), 627-644.
19 - Rosas-Santiago,P., Lagunas-Gomez,D., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Lalonde,S., Jones,A., Frommer,W.B., Zimmermannova,O., Sychrova,H., Pantoja,O. (2015). Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (9), 2733-2748.
Open Access Artículo
24 - Amezcua-Romero,J.C., Vera-Estrella,R. (2012). Las plantas y sus acuaporinas. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 63 (1), 58-67.
32 - Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Bohnert,H.J., Pantoja,O. (2004). Novel Regulation of Aquaporins during Osmotic Stress. Plant Physiology, 135 (4), 2318-2329.
33 - Qiu,Q.S., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Zhu,J.K., Schumaker,K.S. (2003). Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 132 (2), 1041-1052.
34 - Sul,H., Balderas,E., Vera-Estrella,R., Golldack,D., Quigley,F., Zhao,C.S, Pantoja,O., Bohnert,H.J. (2003). Expression of the cation transporter McHKT1 in a halophyte. Plant Molecular Biology, 52 (5), 967-980.
36 - Kirch,H.H., Vera-Estrella,R., Golldack,D., Quigley,F., Michalowski,C.B., Barkla,B.J., Bohnert,H.J. (2000). Expression of water channel proteins in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Physiology, 123 (1), 111-124.
37 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O., Kirch,H.H., Bohnert,H.J. (1999). Aquaporin localization - how valid are the TIP and PIP labels?. Trends in Plant Science, 4 (3), 86-88.
44 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O. (2014). Growing Arabidopsis in vitro: cell suspensions, in vitro culture, and regeneration. Arabidopsis Protocols. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 53-62.
45 - Vera-Estrella,R., Bohnert,H. (2011). Physiological Roles for the PIP Family of Plant Aquaporins. Plant Plasma Membrane. Plant Cell Monographs, 193-222, 19, Switzerland: Springer Nature .
46 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Balderas,E., Pantoja,O. (2008). Mecanismos de tolerancia a la salinidad en plantas. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 23. 263-272, Mexico, D.F..
47 - Pantoja,O., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R. (2000). Ion channels and ion co-transporters in the tonoplast. Vacuolar Compartments. Sheffield Annual Plant Reviews , 199-220, 5.
Memoria in extenso
48 - Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Gallardo-Amarillas,C., Bohnert,H., Pantoja,O. (2000). Aquaporin regulation under salt and osmotic stress. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Molecular Biology and Physiology of Water and Solute Transport. 339-346.
49 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O. (1999). Towards the production of salt-tolerant crops. Chemicals Via Higher Plant Bioengineering. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology volume 464, 77-89, 464, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Open Access Preprint
50 - Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Vera-Estrella,R., Amezcua-Romero,J.C., Rosas-Santiago,P., Hernandez-Dominguez,E.E., de Luna-Valdez,L.A., Pantoja,O. (2022). Mesembryanthemum crystallinum root PIPs are regulated via clathrin-coated vesicles in response to salt stress. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 18.
Open Access Nacional
52 - Davila-Delgado,R., Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Vera-Estrella,R., Sanchez-Lopez,R. (2019). Endocitosis en plantas (Parte 1:) Inducida por factores abioticos, bioticos y hormonas. Revista de Educación Bioquímica, 38 (1), 14-22.
Open Access Nacional
53 - Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Davila-Delgado,R., Sanchez-Lopez,R., Vera-Estrella,R. (2019). La endocitosis en plantas (Parte II): como estudiarla utilizando inhibidores. Revista de Educación Bioquímica, 38 (2), 38-47.
Open Access Divulgación
54 - Vera-Estrella,R., Garcia-Mariano,R., Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Rosas-Santiago,P., Pantoja-Ayala,O. (2019). Uso de tabaco para fitorremediar suelos contaminados con metales pesados. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 17, 23-25.
Open Access Divulgación
55 - Vera-Estrella,R. (2015). ¿Sabes cómo vive una célula? Esto se contesta en el curso de Biología Celular en el IBt. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 3, 24.
Open Access Preprint
58 - Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Vera-Estrella,R., Amezcua-Romero,J.C., Rosas-Santiago,P., Hernandez-Dominguez,E.E., de Luna-Valdez,L.A., Pantoja,O.. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum root PIPs are regulated via clathrin-coated vesicles in response to salt stress. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 18.
59 - Carmona-Salazar,L., Cahoon,R.E., Gasca-Pineda,J., Gonzalez-Solis,A., Vera-Estrella,R., Trevino,V., Cahoon,E.B., Gavilanes-Ruiz,M.. Plasma and Vacuolar Membrane Sphingolipidomes: Composition and Insights on The Role of Main Molecular Species. Plant Physiology, 186 (1), 624-639.
61 - Sanchez-Thomas,R., Garcia-Garcia,J.D., Marin-Hernandez,A., Marin-Hernandez,A., Pardo,J.P., Rodriguez-Enriquez,S., Vera-Estrella,R., Lopez-Macay,A., Moreno-Sanchez,R.. The intracellular water volume modulates the accumulation of cadmium in Euglena gracilis. Algal Research, 46, 101774.
Open Access Artículo
64 - Ramirez-Carreto,S., Vera-Estrella,R., Portillo-Bobadilla,T., Licea-Navarro,A., Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Rudino-Pinera,E., Verleyen,J.J., Rodriguez,E., Rodriguez-Almazan,C.. Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analysis of the Tentacles and Mucus of Anthopleura dowii Verrill, 1869. Marine Drugs, 17 (8), E436.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Nacional
66 - Davila-Delgado,R., Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Vera-Estrella,R., Sanchez-Lopez,R.. Endocitosis en plantas (Parte 1:) Inducida por factores abioticos, bioticos y hormonas. Revista de Educación Bioquímica, 38 (1), 14-22.
Open Access Nacional
67 - Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Davila-Delgado,R., Sanchez-Lopez,R., Vera-Estrella,R.. La endocitosis en plantas (Parte II): como estudiarla utilizando inhibidores. Revista de Educación Bioquímica, 38 (2), 38-47.
Open Access Divulgación
68 - Vera-Estrella,R., Garcia-Mariano,R., Gomez-Mendez,M.F., Rosas-Santiago,P., Pantoja-Ayala,O.. Uso de tabaco para fitorremediar suelos contaminados con metales pesados. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 17, 23-25.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
74 - Carrasco-Navarro,U., Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Zuniga-Leon,E., Reyes-Vivas,H., Fernandez,F.J., Fierro,F.. Proteomic analysis of the signaling pathway mediated by the heterotrimeric Galpha protein Pga1 of Penicillium chrysogenum. Microbial Cell Factories, 15 (1), 173.
Open Access Artículo
78 - Oh,D.H., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O., Lee,S.Y., Bohnert,H.J., Dassanayake,M.. Cell type-specific responses to salinity - the epidermal bladder cell transcriptome of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. New Phytologist, 207 (3), 627-644.
79 - Rosas-Santiago,P., Lagunas-Gomez,D., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Lalonde,S., Jones,A., Frommer,W.B., Zimmermannova,O., Sychrova,H., Pantoja,O.. Identification of rice cornichon as a possible cargo receptor for the Golgi-localized sodium transporter OsHKT1;3. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (9), 2733-2748.
Open Access Divulgación
80 - Vera-Estrella,R.. ¿Sabes cómo vive una célula? Esto se contesta en el curso de Biología Celular en el IBt. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 3, 24.
89 - Vera-Estrella,R., Bohnert,H.. Physiological Roles for the PIP Family of Plant Aquaporins. Plant Plasma Membrane. Plant Cell Monographs, 193-222, 19, Switzerland: Springer Nature .
93 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Balderas,E., Pantoja,O.. Mecanismos de tolerancia a la salinidad en plantas. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 23. 263-272, Mexico, D.F..
96 - Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Bohnert,H.J., Pantoja,O.. Novel Regulation of Aquaporins during Osmotic Stress. Plant Physiology, 135 (4), 2318-2329.
97 - Qiu,Q.S., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Zhu,J.K., Schumaker,K.S.. Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 132 (2), 1041-1052.
98 - Sul,H., Balderas,E., Vera-Estrella,R., Golldack,D., Quigley,F., Zhao,C.S, Pantoja,O., Bohnert,H.J.. Expression of the cation transporter McHKT1 in a halophyte. Plant Molecular Biology, 52 (5), 967-980.
100 - Kirch,H.H., Vera-Estrella,R., Golldack,D., Quigley,F., Michalowski,C.B., Barkla,B.J., Bohnert,H.J.. Expression of water channel proteins in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Physiology, 123 (1), 111-124.
101 - Pantoja,O., Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R.. Ion channels and ion co-transporters in the tonoplast. Vacuolar Compartments. Sheffield Annual Plant Reviews , 199-220, 5.
Memoria in extenso
102 - Vera-Estrella,R., Barkla,B.J., Gallardo-Amarillas,C., Bohnert,H., Pantoja,O.. Aquaporin regulation under salt and osmotic stress. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Molecular Biology and Physiology of Water and Solute Transport. 339-346.
103 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O., Kirch,H.H., Bohnert,H.J.. Aquaporin localization - how valid are the TIP and PIP labels?. Trends in Plant Science, 4 (3), 86-88.
106 - Barkla,B.J., Vera-Estrella,R., Pantoja,O.. Towards the production of salt-tolerant crops. Chemicals Via Higher Plant Bioengineering. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology volume 464, 77-89, 464, New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.