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Claudia Selene Zarate Guerra
Ex-colaborador y/o ex-alumno

Total de publicaciones: 12
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6 - Guerrero,C.A., Mendez,E., Zarate,S., Isa,P., Lopez,S., Arias,C.F. (2000). Integrin alpha(v)beta(3) mediates rotavirus cell entry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97 (26), 14644-14649.
Memoria in extenso
10 - Arias,C.F., Guerrero,C.A., Mendez,E., Zarate,S., Isa,P., Espinosa,R., Romero,P., Lopez,S. (2001). Early events of rotavirus infection: the search for the receptor(s). Gastroenteritis Viruses. Novartis Foundation Symposia.vol 238., 47-60 discussion 60-3..
Memoria in extenso
18 - Arias,C.F., Guerrero,C.A., Mendez,E., Zarate,S., Isa,P., Espinosa,R., Romero,P., Lopez,S.. Early events of rotavirus infection: the search for the receptor(s). Gastroenteritis Viruses. Novartis Foundation Symposia.vol 238., 47-60 discussion 60-3..