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Jesus Montiel Gonzalez
Ex-colaborador y/o ex-alumno

Total de publicaciones: 10
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4 - Montiel,J., Arthikala,M., Quinto,C. (2013). Phaseolus vulgaris RbohB functions in lateral root development. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 8 (1), 144-146.
8 - Montiel,J., Quinto,C. (2019). NADPH Oxidases Have Key Roles in Mutulistic Associations with Rhizobia or with Mycorrhizal Fungi in Root Legumes. Microbial Probiotics for Agricultural Systems: Advances in Agronomic Use. Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection, 19-28, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
12 - Montiel,J., Quinto,C.. NADPH Oxidases Have Key Roles in Mutulistic Associations with Rhizobia or with Mycorrhizal Fungi in Root Legumes. Microbial Probiotics for Agricultural Systems: Advances in Agronomic Use. Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection, 19-28, Cham: Springer International Publishing.