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Esperanza Mata Martinez
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Total de publicaciones: 9
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Open Access Artículo
1 - Hernandez-Silva,G., Lopez-Torres,A.S., Maldonado-Rosas,I., Mata-Martinez,E., Larrea,F., Torres-Flores,V., Trevino,C.L., Chirinos,M. (2021). Effects of semen processing on sperm function: Differences between swim-up and density gradient centrifugation. World Journal of Men's Health, 39 (4), 740-749.
2 - Torrezan-Nitao,E., Brown,S.G., Mata-Martinez,E., Trevino,C.L., Barratt,C., Publicover,S. (2021). [Ca2+]i oscillations in human sperm are triggered in the flagellum by membrane potential-sensitive activity of CatSper. Human Reproduction, 36 (2), 293-304.
3 - Mata-Martinez, E., Darszon, A., Trevino, C.L. (2018). pH-dependent Ca(+2) oscillations prevent untimely acrosome reaction in human sperm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 497 (1), 146-152.
4 - Lopez-Torres, A.S., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, M.E., Mata-Martinez, E., Larrea, F., Trevino, C.L., Chirinos, M. (2017). Luteinizing hormone modulates intracellular calcium, protein tyrosine phosphorylation and motility during human sperm capacitation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 483 (2), 834-839.
6 - Beltran, C., Trevino, C. L., Mata-Martinez, E., Chavez, J. C., Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Baker, M., Darszon, A. (2016). Role of Ion Channels in the Sperm Acrosome Reaction. Sperm Acrosome Biogenesis and Function During Fertilization. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology, 35-69, Switzerland: Springer .
9 - Mata Martínez, Esperanza (2010). Identificación de proteínas de la cascada de señalización del speract en balsas lipídicas del espermatozoide de erizo de mar. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Licenciatura, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *
Open Access Artículo
10 - Hernandez-Silva,G., Lopez-Torres,A.S., Maldonado-Rosas,I., Mata-Martinez,E., Larrea,F., Torres-Flores,V., Trevino,C.L., Chirinos,M.. Effects of semen processing on sperm function: Differences between swim-up and density gradient centrifugation. World Journal of Men's Health, 39 (4), 740-749.
11 - Torrezan-Nitao,E., Brown,S.G., Mata-Martinez,E., Trevino,C.L., Barratt,C., Publicover,S.. [Ca2+]i oscillations in human sperm are triggered in the flagellum by membrane potential-sensitive activity of CatSper. Human Reproduction, 36 (2), 293-304.
14 - Lopez-Torres, A.S., Gonzalez-Gonzalez, M.E., Mata-Martinez, E., Larrea, F., Trevino, C.L., Chirinos, M.. Luteinizing hormone modulates intracellular calcium, protein tyrosine phosphorylation and motility during human sperm capacitation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 483 (2), 834-839.
15 - Beltran, C., Trevino, C. L., Mata-Martinez, E., Chavez, J. C., Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Baker, M., Darszon, A.. Role of Ion Channels in the Sperm Acrosome Reaction. Sperm Acrosome Biogenesis and Function During Fertilization. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology, 35-69, Switzerland: Springer .
18 - Mata Martínez, Esperanza . Identificación de proteínas de la cascada de señalización del speract en balsas lipídicas del espermatozoide de erizo de mar. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Licenciatura, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *