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M.C. Benito Recio Totoro

Estudiante de Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
Tesis: Dinámica del potencial redox durante la diferenciación del oocineto a ooquiste de Plasmodium berghei.
Tutor: Cuauhtémoc Humberto Lanz Mendoza
Total de publicaciones: 18
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Open Access Artículo
1 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Cime-Castillo,J., Conde,R., Maffei,M., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2021). Dietary and Plasmodium challenge effects on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of Anopheles albimanus. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 11258.
Open Access Artículo
2 - Conde,R., Hernandez-Torres,E., Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Maya-Maldonado,K., Cardoso-Jaime,V., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2021). Heat Shock Causes Lower Plasmodium Infection Rates in Anopheles albimanus. Frontiers in Immunology, 12, 584660.
Open Access Artículo
3 - Maya-Maldonado,K., Cardoso-Jaime,V., Gonzalez-Olvera,G., Osorio,B., Recio-Totoro,B., Manrique-Saide,P., Rodriguez-Sanchez,I.P., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Missirlis,F., Hernandez-Hernandez,F.C. (2021). Mosquito metallomics reveal copper and iron as critical factors for Plasmodium infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (6), e0009509.
4 - Recio-Totoro,B., Conde,R., Claudio-Piedras,F., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2021). Affinity purification of Plasmodium ookinetes from in vitro cultures using extracellular matrix gel. Parasitology International, 80, 102242.
Open Access Artículo
6 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Conde,R., Hernandez-Tablas,J.M., Hurtado-Sil,G., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2019). DNA Methylation in Anopheles albimanus Modulates the Midgut Immune Response Against Plasmodium berghei. Frontiers in Immunology, 10, 3025. *
Open Access Artículo
7 - Cime-Castillo,J., Arts,R.J.W., Vargas-Ponce de Leon,V., Moreno-Torres,R., Hernandez-Martinez,S., Recio-Totoro,B., Claudio-Piedras,F., Netea,M.G., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2018). DNA Synthesis Is Activated in Mosquitoes and Human Monocytes During the Induction of Innate Immune Memory. Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 2834. *
8 - Cabrera-Romo,S., Max,Ramirez C., Recio-Totoro,B., Tolentino-Chi,J., Lanz,H., del Angel,R.M., Sanchez-Cordero,V., Rodriguez-Moreno,A, Ludert,J.E (2016). No Evidence of Dengue Virus Infections in Several Species of Bats Captured in Central and Southern Mexico. Zoonoses and Public Health, 63 (8), 579-583. *
Open Access Artículo
10 - Moreno-Garcia,M., Recio-Totoro,B., Claudio-Piedras,F., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2014). Injury and immune response: Applying the danger theory to mosquitoes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 (SEP).
11 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio,B., Lanz,H., Cime-Castillo,J. (2024). Global 5-methylcytosine-RNA disruption reduces the vectorial competence to DENV2 of heatwave-exposed Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 14.
Open Access Protocol not indexed
Open Access Protocol not indexed
Open Access Protocol not indexed
Open Access Protocol not indexed
Open Access Protocol not indexed
18 - Recio Totoro, Benito (2015). Desarrollo y optimizacion de un nuevo metodo de purificacion de oocinetos de plasmodium berghei basado en las propiedades adhesivas del oocineto. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, d, UNAM.
Asesor: Lanz Mendoza, Humberto

19 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio,B., Lanz,H., Cime-Castillo,J.. Global 5-methylcytosine-RNA disruption reduces the vectorial competence to DENV2 of heatwave-exposed Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 14.
Open Access Artículo
20 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Cime-Castillo,J., Conde,R., Maffei,M., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. Dietary and Plasmodium challenge effects on the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of Anopheles albimanus. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 11258.
Open Access Artículo
21 - Conde,R., Hernandez-Torres,E., Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Maya-Maldonado,K., Cardoso-Jaime,V., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. Heat Shock Causes Lower Plasmodium Infection Rates in Anopheles albimanus. Frontiers in Immunology, 12, 584660.
Open Access Artículo
22 - Maya-Maldonado,K., Cardoso-Jaime,V., Gonzalez-Olvera,G., Osorio,B., Recio-Totoro,B., Manrique-Saide,P., Rodriguez-Sanchez,I.P., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Missirlis,F., Hernandez-Hernandez,F.C.. Mosquito metallomics reveal copper and iron as critical factors for Plasmodium infection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15 (6), e0009509.
23 - Recio-Totoro,B., Conde,R., Claudio-Piedras,F., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. Affinity purification of Plasmodium ookinetes from in vitro cultures using extracellular matrix gel. Parasitology International, 80, 102242.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
31 - Claudio-Piedras,F., Recio-Totoro,B., Conde,R., Hernandez-Tablas,J.M., Hurtado-Sil,G., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. DNA Methylation in Anopheles albimanus Modulates the Midgut Immune Response Against Plasmodium berghei. Frontiers in Immunology, 10, 3025. *
Open Access Artículo
32 - Cime-Castillo,J., Arts,R.J.W., Vargas-Ponce de Leon,V., Moreno-Torres,R., Hernandez-Martinez,S., Recio-Totoro,B., Claudio-Piedras,F., Netea,M.G., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. DNA Synthesis Is Activated in Mosquitoes and Human Monocytes During the Induction of Innate Immune Memory. Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 2834. *
33 - Cabrera-Romo,S., Max,Ramirez C., Recio-Totoro,B., Tolentino-Chi,J., Lanz,H., del Angel,R.M., Sanchez-Cordero,V., Rodriguez-Moreno,A, Ludert,J.E. No Evidence of Dengue Virus Infections in Several Species of Bats Captured in Central and Southern Mexico. Zoonoses and Public Health, 63 (8), 579-583. *
Open Access Artículo
36 - Moreno-Garcia,M., Recio-Totoro,B., Claudio-Piedras,F., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. Injury and immune response: Applying the danger theory to mosquitoes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5 (SEP).