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Dra. Paloma Rossana Hidalgo Ocampo

Total de publicaciones: 6
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Open Access Artículo
2 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A. (2016). Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
Memoria in extenso
4 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A. (2016). Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
Open Access Artículo
9 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A.. Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
Memoria in extenso
10 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A.. Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
12 - Hidalgo Ocampo, Paloma Rossana. Composicion y actividad de los Centros de Replicacion de Adenovirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.